Installment Payment
If you want to use the installment plan, read the instructions below
3 Item
Stage Process
Step 1 Purchase & Payment
  • Select your favourite new phone
  • Choose to check out with ZUNKA Monthly Installments and go to the installment introduction page
Step 2 Select Pick-Up Point
  • View the contents and conditions on the introduction page
  • Click on the ‘Next’ bottom and select a pick-up address *(currently only available in Nairobi)
Step 3 Apply & Submit
  • Follow the prompts and fill in the relevant information
  • Submit your application
  • Wait for review results (The results will be updated on the Personal Center and notified via email within 24 hours)
Step 4 Pick UP
  • Once the order has been approved , the delivery staff will contact you by phone to arrange a pick-up time
  • Go to the pick-up point at the agreed time
  • Sign the offline contract and collect your new phone
Step 5 Monthly Payments
  • The delivery staff wil help you download ‘ZUNKA’ and show you how to make payments via the APP
  • Make monthly payments on time
Security Plug-in
  • The customers that using ZUNKA installment service are deemed to have agreed to the terms of security plug-in service
  • The security plug-in will remind customers to make the monthly payments on time
  • If the customers are overdue, the security plug-in will limit the use of some Apps on their phone (such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp)
  • Once the payment is completed , the mobile phone will be able to use as usually
  • The security plug-in will not affect the use of the phone if the customer pays on time