“So that’s me packed my bags left. So in Egypt, you and the Israelite’s found freedom. Like so you see I never liked in Egypt. It was Just documenting the, what is called? The stories like that travel, oh yes, it was just trying…….like a travel blog, yeah, yeah. So during that point I was like, what is this I’m feeling alright, I am feeling so like I couldn’t even explain it at that moment, until I came back. Like I was I had zero worry about tomorrow like I didn’t have the best budget cause your backpacking. But you have never been happier. Before. So, that point was like, what is this? I’m feeling at this point. So that’s what photography was to me at that point freedom to express myself.”


My names are Ruth Awinja, Principal Officer- Masterstroke Solutions Agency. I would call my history success because 24 years I've been selling insurance from humble beginnings as an agent running across to being a senior executive sales salesperson to management to a point where eventually I was heading a whole insurance company Medical Department and after that I moved on into now running Masterstroke and this is where we are as a company today, 24 years selling insurance. Hi. I want to invite you to Phantom X2 and his friends. My name is Caroline Mutoko and gets to speak to the Friends of the Phantom X2, okay? And the first friend is The Mentalist, used to be,used to be until I hear 48 hours ago. Yeah, I decided to do a rebrand and just go by MUSTBE_TJ so that is the handle. We MUSTBE underscore TJ. I hear you were an aerospace engineer. Tell me that is not true. Unfortunately, rather, fortunately, it's true. So, I have a background in aerospace, engineering and software development, but all that, is a thing of the past. I just decided to chase a wild dream which is photography and film-making which is obviously photography. Something I stumbled upon, it's something I never planned for, from the word, go.

Starting off. So it, I can't even remember how it started, but I always remember starting off as a mobile photographer, right? Oh, wow, yes, okay. The one thing I had was a phone in my pocket so during so, my life was my 8-5 was so hectic. So 8-5 job. Get home back to working or either indoors and this was when you were a software engineer. So, as well as an aerospace engineering, my Lifestyle was after work get home, either game, oh, or catch up with movies, okay? And as a software engineer. So when as a software engineer, It became was it was more of a routine because he has a software engineering have code that you have to fix. So it was zeros and ones zeros and ones, it was always interesting. So for me, I was like, okay, there's a problem that I need to to solve so they routine was work 8 -5, get back home, same thing. So that was the cycle day in day out. So I noticed during the weekends, when I had free time, I just enjoyed taking shots of random things. Like, I had no plan of, like I just see a coffee cup and like, okay, this looks Interesting, they will take this. I'm walking I see a flower then. During that time, Instagram was booming like I was late to the party cause 20 think 2012, 2013, is when it had hit but I joined in later 2014 was like, what is this Instagram? What is this thing? What is this thing? So, does I had I had friends as following on Twitter. Uh-huh. But I saw them posting photos of Nairobi like… Nairobi streets, shooting late. Yeah l know, I mean, I'm one of those people who hopes one day yeah, there will be an exhibition, you know, just Nairobi because Nairobi is beautiful. It is, Nairobi’s beautiful, it is. Yeah, we just take it for granted because you know, so during that time of joining Instagram was like this is this looks like fun. Aha. So same routine weekends taking phone photos, getting back to my lifestyle of what 8-5.

I know, that was me. Okay so what was the breaking point? Where did you say gotta try something else. Okay so it happened like I said it's take photos tagged mobile photography. Is that what you used to do? Yeah just normal every photo take it would either be Nairobi hashtags, the captions then I just had a a mobile phone company. Not the mobile phone company the hashtag mobile photography? Oh is that what you used to do? Yeah, because that's what I used to shoot with, right? So later on, during that time around 2015, a brand, reached out a mobile brand. Uh-huh. The like we see your you shoot with your phone? Yes. So we have a flagship phone that would like you to try. Just do what you do. Go for it, go for it. And you did, it was so much I was like excited like, oh my God, oh my God, the sequel showed me, like what I'm doing and want me to use that, but honestly, what do you tell your mother?

I'm a Storyteller cause you see, it's even worse not really worse cause I think now, she's when, when I was starting off, it was hard to tell her, I'm a photographer or I shoot video right cause for most people, “ni kupiga picha tu” “na kupiga picha ni jamaa ako Uhuru Park”. Exactly. So I'm like, how are you, how are you making, you know, how, how are you seeing a future out of this? Yes, right was like, Mom so because the see for me, I came from a spot of routine to Freedom. Yes.

And at this point I was like I will leave my life a day at a time. Right? You see how the age you are? Yeah. That's how we are Monday to Monday but are you living life? Okay, right. You're so worried about tomorrow that you forget about today. And you wanted to live in the moment, the moment and that's where photography happened. Wonder how much hair your father lost, talking like that, the person who lost was probably mom. Dad was because that comes from a background of being self-employed. Okay. So that was probably easy. He'll figure out his thing later on.

So later on during this period of working with this fast brand. Those also competition happening on the side, I saw a competition for I&M and I was like, oh my God, I have to…. this was the Nairobi one, yeah it was the Nairobi one. It was Innovation and something I can't remember the name but as like “lakini hukushinda”Just pains. Oh, so I'm just saying you didn't win, no I didn’t win. And so from there I was like, l was so curious. Oh, why? Because in my mind, I knew the photos l have taken were the ones. I was pumping my chest. Hello, humility. This then I was like, oh, so from there's like I won't give up on this, right?

Let me see what the first three positions the photos were. Uh-huh. Then I open the website and I'm like, never in a million years was, I would I have won this? Because because what I shoot, if I look at it, now is basic stuff because the title was, or theme was Innovation. Yes, we went to just taking around things like traffic lights, the lamp, just the cause for me, I'm like Innovation is what's new? So there's no creativity is in your covering, no creativity. Zero, l was like then I look at number one and the wining pictures I'm like okay, okay. I know nothing about photography right. Uh-huh. So I decide to go back to the books to the books is YouTube University, start googling, basics of photography, photography 101, so composition lighting. “Wacha” So for Friday is my learning day for photography cause weekend am shooting. So learn one, two, three and then you're going to apply and go and try do it.

Well done. But…….

So, getting to the juicy part. Uh-huh. So like I said, they dropped out of the Aerospace field, then joined in the software dev. So two years in working I got a trip to Egypt, trip offer to Egypt, through your job through. No, through a friend, was like, listen, I have a space I have a few slots for trip to Egypt, what you need to do is look for flights. Rather pay for your flight, look for money for visa and upkeep. “Na wewe ndio nani” you went, “nikose” like this is me who started out in photography and there's a travel travel offer, not really offer, a destination trip on the table, I've never left the country okay have been to Mombasa but I've never left the country. I'm like, oh my God Egypt, pyramids, right? But you're employed. I'm employed at this time so what do you tell your boss? I tell my boss I think the thing that worked for me is I had a very good boss. From the word go is someone I could sit down and have a conversation with. So you told him I'm taking three months off to go Egypt. I told him I would like to take 3 months, off to go to Egypt and I will take it with no pay. Okay. So the trip l think two months in advance. So I had I told him listen, I know I have this project pending. I'll clear this before I leave. Okay so when you when you go you coming back “nikasema yes”.

So that's me, packed my bags left. So in Egypt, you and the Israelite's found freedom. Like so you see I never, like in Egypt it was just documenting the, what is called? The stories like that travel, oh yes, it was just travel…….like a travel blog, yeah, yeah. So during that point I was like, what is this I'm feeling alright, I am feeling so like I couldn't even explain it at that moment, until I came back. Like I was I had zero worry about tomorrow like I didn't have the best budget cause your backpacking. But you have never been happier. Before. So, that point was like, what is this? I'm feeling at this point. So that's what photography was to me at that point freedom to express myself. And to live life. So you come back and what do you tell your boss? So I come back life continues as normal, uh-huh, but during that point of coming back, I'm like, l found my thing.

Do I really want to do this? Do I want to continue the age 8-5 gig?

So during that point a few months later, I gave in my resignation letter. I swear, this is why the segment is called the Phantom X2 and Friends, okay. My boss didn't accept my resignation. Yeah, it's cause your boss, probably thought you are, well, there's was that but also because you see for me, the reason of quitting. Yes I had a few gigs happening here and there like a few lodges would reach out. We saw you did a travel video for Egypt. Would you would you do one for us yeah? . Yes. So it wasn't Consistent, but I had something happening somewhere. So, in my mind, I thought l have unlocked this, I can do this.

You can do this, but I think my boss can comes in as the voice of reason who's, like, listen, I know photography is happening for you, but instead of quitting, let's adjust your contract, right? When you have gigs, when you have, you have freedom to go to your gigs, cause see the the interesting thing with photography a gig would come on random mid Wednesday, right? Okay, midweek, three days. How do you even handle that? You have job. Yes. Yes. All right. So he was like, listen, let's find a way on how we can make this happen. Yes. So it's like, okay, a few salary increase over here, just to. And even with that, you said, no, well you see for me it wasn't about the money, is, the money is good, like, I have to pay rent I have to buy food, I have to spoil myself. Yes, that is good but I got to the point in life was like why am I living life? Is it to pay rent? And you can only live life through the lens of a camera through the lens? Like it doesn't have to be through the lens, but something you love and for me that was photography. So in spite of all that your boss was like, don't don't don't you went right ahead and said dude I'm out of here. June 17, I was like listen. This is not, I'm done. Okay, I hear you but and I guess the last thing I'm going to ask you before we get into our gorgeous device. Yeah.

How long did it take for that gut feeling to pay off? Did it pay off immediately and went, like, the and there to payoffs, by the way, not just money, but just literally saying, this is what I should be doing.

That happened, I believe for me that happened during Egypt. Well even before you make the jump, even before me the jump. Because during that point, I was like the freedom and happiness l was experiencing minus the money, cause you see if you remove money out of something, are you enjoying it?

Yes they are those moments. So for me that was like 80% minus the money. Whoa? Right? 80. I was. Yes I was legit happy. Like even if I was taking something out of frame wrong like being in that moment experiencing something. For the first time. I'm sold. I'm like, yeah, no, by the way I'm sold. I sat down literally to get you a point of come on. So and then and the the pay off financially. It's so I for me, think it's actually say I'm blessed. All right, reason being I've never had to knock on doors. Wow, I've never had to send in proposals.

Your work speaks for itself. And the I think, later on, like, figuring out my journey. I noticed that happened only because I was doing me. I wasn't doing… this is also true. Yeah. Because the world, the universe, whatever it is, you want to call it will respond to your vibe. Yes, it will. And that has always been it like before I quit my job. I told myself one thing, I will not go back to the same circle or stressing about the money. Yes, right. Because before I quit was like, why am I even doing this? Why do I want to quit? It's a question. I ask myself is just a didn’t wake up and be like ahh am quitting Iike l had had conversations myself, like why am I quitting an 8-5 job? I can appreciate that. Yes, I was like, I will not take myself back to a circle of l have to do this for the money for the money if the money comes well and good, if it doesn't well and good, I'll still do me. Without having to compromise, okay. I mean, you've answered so many of my questions in that small thing and I guess, you know, the only thing I can say is continue looking for that thing because sometimes what gets us here can get us there. Yeah and you've got to and sometimes you're going to change how you do it, so don't stop seeking it. There's no stopping. Okay.

Now, this and I can't believe it's nearer you, you it is me. The first time you saw this? Tell me, what did you think about the Phantom? You know, I've just opened the camera straight to selfie. Hand go to straight to the selfie, I don't know. No, Sorry.

What did you think? You tell me it's fancy. I like that, it’s fancy one. It's so it fits in the palm so perfect it, does. Then this, It's it's so symmetrical. Oh Lord, you would be that guy. Uh-huh. Like for most phones it's either. Yes. Far Corner which sometimes bugs me but these are the center. It's like yes this is. This is a it's a camera phone, not a phone camera.

Why am I still talking?

Which is your favorite feature. I'll tell you, which is mine because this is the cover that comes with it if you don't mind, can I have this back first and foremost just the way it fits. Okay, and the fact that this protects your camera, had you seen this? I'm learning this from you.

I've always been a no, no case person. But looks like, what do you mean a no case person? Yes, the form phones are only like you're hiding the beauty but now look, look how this is. Look at how it comes together. It doesn't hide the details. It doesn't. Which is… actually that's what phone covers do. Yeah, well done Phantom. So this and this just turns out. It's beautiful. It's beautiful. So then the other interesting thing is the size. Yeah. Oh really? The size still works for you, size 256, it's 256GB. Yeah, with that a 12, 12GB. So that for me, yeah that’s important , I think, because if I'm going out there, I don't have to worry about space, and start to delete delete text or backup in Cloud first, cloud is important. I mean, it is but not on ground. Cloud is important. Yeah. What I have all loved beyond the camera and the camera is amazing. It’s just the processing speed man, this thing is fast. You know, most phones when you're going from app to app “kanapatana na bump” you know, that's not happening with this but I can't get over. Also the feel and the color the color this I think everybody's going to own this. Have we talked about the camera that's your job the icing on the cake, just waiting for you to finish your…….”shika” l have played with it. And in your words, it’s play, play because it's me and my friend okay. But but did you get the same because anybody who has seen me experienced a camera. The first time I jerked a little I was like yeah, I was like ooh I'm not a selfie person but the selfie camera. Yeah. I was like yeah I was like mmmh. I can, then we have the I mean I'll push this to the limit. It has like I'm looking to explore the film. Aha, like the video features I've noticed, it has a 4K 60fps. It's a lot of jargon, but what does that mean for you? For me, it's, I'm oh my God you are, you did this, its like this is it. Then the night mode I've seen, it has like, it has very interesting features. The super night mode has a tripod, tripod mode, which means so ideally, see if you're taking night shots, You need to be still. Yes. Yes. Yes. Because they always hold cameras, old cameras, still don't. So this ideally helps you with that.

Now that I did not know I mean same thing with also on the video it has the what is it called? The ultra Stadium. Which means so, you know, you can shoot while you're running and things will still be. I didn't know that. So that's why I'm saying I'm okay now we understand what you did this and now we get it. So I guess my final question was going to be on a scale of It's a bust whether to look at who is it's a no-brainer,

No-brainer? No-brainer, no-brainer, thank you. I will be stocking you because I want to see the things you're going to do with this phone. Stick around. Hopefully, and join me very soon for another episode of The Phantom X2 and friends, I get to interview the friends.